Material Development

One of the most acute lacunae in our school system is the absence of quality printed materials for teachers and students to supplement the textbooks. The lack of such resources probably contributes to the authoritarian and bookish approach to learning that is often seen in the classroom. HBCSE therefore, gives a lot of importance to the production of co-curricular and other resource materials.


Trace the Waste

Trace the Waste is an engaging educational board game that invites both children and adults to explore the world of domestic waste management. The game aims to raise awareness about the realistic challenges associated with waste management and consumerism, as well as the impact of everyday choices on the environment.

Time: 20-30 minutes
No. of Players: 2-4 players
Age Group: 14+ years

Designed by: Amruta Jategaonkar, Adithi Muralidhar, Anisha Malhotra-Dalvi.
Published: August 2024 (ISBN: 978-81-974480-7-2)
M.R.P. ₹750
© 2024 HBCSE

You can purchase your copy from here:


अभिकल्प करून शिकूया

माध्यमिक शाळेतील मुलांसाठी हे एक अनोखे कार्यपुस्तक आहे ज्यात सोप्या सूचनांवर आधारित अनेक कार्यांचा समावेश आहे. ह्या कार्यांच्या माध्यमातून मुलांमध्ये चित्रकलेची, नियोजन आखण्याची व सर्जनशीलतेची गुणवत्ता निर्माण होऊ शकते जी अभिकल्पिक मानसिकतेसाठी अत्यंत गरजेची आहे. या पुस्तकात विज्ञान, सामाजिक शास्त्र, पर्यावरण विज्ञान व कला अश्या विभिन्न विषयांवर आधारित कार्य आहेत परंतु या विषयांचे सखोल ज्ञान मुलांकडे असणे हे गरजेचे नाही.

Published: 2024 (ISBN: 978-81-974480-6-5)

M. R. P. ₹250

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


Let’s Designovate

Let’s Designovate is a set of cards designed to cater to the skill of idea generation which is an essential element in the design thinking process. This tool provides an opportunity to participants to practice their creative thinking and imagination. It takes the approach of ‘redesigning’ and makes one rethink about everyday products in innovative ways. This pack contains 11 Redesign Cards, 10 Image Prompts and 10 Text Prompts.

Published: April 2024 (ISBN: 978-81-974480-1-0)

M.R.P. ₹250

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


Mal-Mal Rasta (Children’s Story Book)

मुदित और उसकी आई पश्चिमी घाट पर स्थित चोरला के लिए रवाना हुए। वहाँ पहुँचने पर, वन्यजीवों को देखने की चाह में मुदित गाँव की सैर पर निकल पड़ता है। वहाँ उसे मिलती है एक नई दोस्त, सुषमा, जो उसे एक रोमांचक सफर पर ले जाती है।

क्या सुषमा की संगत में, तरह-तरह के मल-चिह्नों का पीछा करते हुए मुदित वन्यजीवों को देखने का अनुभव कर पाएगा?

Published: January 2024 (ISBN: 9789394552982)

M.R.P. ₹100

You can directly purchase your copy here.


Stop Before your Shop: Says the Climate Clock

“Stop before you Shop, Says the Climate Clock” is an accordion-fold brochure developed and designed for sustainability education, specifically in area of waste management and consumerism. Each panel shares one line of questioning, which an individual may engage in, before shopping for things. The brochure may be used for educational and outreach purposes. You can download the print-ready brochure from our website.
English (Print-ready Version)
Hindi (Print-ready Version)

Published: June 2023 (English) and February 2024 (Hindi)

M. R. P. ₹15

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


Educational Game: Full Tank

“Full Tank!” is a fun game developed for primary school children which addresses the issue of water usage and wastage in daily life. The game exposes children to an array of activities to provide comparisons between our everyday actions and the pressure it may put on water resources. It also introduces multiple ways to carry-out the same water consuming task while addressing the issues related to water conservation in one’s surroundings through play. The game is available in English, Hindi and Marathi and designed in such a way that it can be easily adapted, translated and contextualized. FULL TANK was declared as one of the winners in the D’source DIC-BHU SDGs Design Challenge B. (Games/ Toy Category). The event was jointly organised by D’Source, IDC School of Design (IIT-B) & Design Innovation Centre, BHU.

Published: Feb, 2023

टंकी भर गई! : (ISBN: 978-81-974480-4-1)
टाकी भरली! : (ISBN: 978-81-974480-0-3)
Full Tank! : (ISBN: 978-81-974480-5-8)

M. R. P. ₹199

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


The Poopy Path (Children’s Story Book)

Mudit and his Aai are off to the Western Ghats of India. With the promise of finding wildlife ringing in his ears, Mudit sets out to explore the forests around him. Only, he finds none. What he does find is a new friend––a girl named Sushma who takes him on an adventure that opens his mind to amazing possibilities. Following a trail of poop under Sushma’s expert guidance, Mudit finds that there is much to be learnt about the seemingly invisible wildlife.

Published: Jan, 2023 (ISBN: 978-81-958054-1-9)

M.R.P. ₹149

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


Design Activity Book

This one-of-a-kind design activity workbook has been designed with simple instructions and open-ended design exercises to expose young minds to fundamentals of design, creative exploration and problem solving.

The activities that feature in the workbook draw from multiple disciplines such as science, social studies, environment and arts, but do not demand formal proficiency in any of these, as a pre-requisite. They also specifically emphasise skills of drawing, visual literacy, verbalising, planning, lateral thinking, as well as thinking critically and creatively, all of which are important for developing a designer’s mindset.

Published: October, 2022 (ISBN: 978-81-958054-0-2)

M. R. P. ₹250

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


Trees at HBCSE: Hidden in Plain Sight

“Trees at HBCSE: Hidden in Plain Sight” is a fun flip through brochure which can also be used an educational resource with teachers and students. The cards offer a glimpse of the tree diversity at HBCSE. Each digitally illustrated card is accompanied by snippet about the tree, as well as the location of tree on campus. These cards can be used as individual flash cards for a treasure hunt or a game of bingo, which can be directed towards developing skills like keen observation and mapping whilst fostering an appreciation for the floral world around us.

Published: December, 2022.

M.R.P. ₹100

You can purchase your copy by sending an email to HBCSE’s Publication Cell: publications[at]


Development of Resource Sheets and Posters

The Design and Technology Laboratory aims to be an informal and interactive workspace where students can access a range of activities, materials and resources. Here, students are introduced to some basic D&T activities through informal exploration. Some of these activities that are theoretically grounded in the research carried out at HBCSE and elsewhere, while others are more exploratory in nature and promote creative pursuits. Accompanying these activities are some resource sheets and posters we have developed which can be printed on A3 or A4 paper. If you plan to set up similar activities in your laboratory, you can keep these resource sheets along side each activity. They will explain the activity and give a brief background to why this activity is useful.

You can download D&T laboratory resource sheets from the Resources page.

Also, check out some of our earlier resources here.


If you would like to buy a copy of these resources or want to know more details about HBCSE publications, please write/call/email:

The Publication Cell
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,
V. N. Purav Marg, Near Anushaktinagar Bus Depot,
Mankhurd, Mumbai 400 088, Maharashtra, India.

Phone: 25072310
Email: [or]