Earlier Resources

Past Work: Foundation Curriculum

A notable achievement of the Centre is the development of an activity based foundation curriculum in science, technology and society for secondary and higher stages. This is an interdisciplinary curriculum woven around the issues of human survival, and aims at preparing citizens for coping with the complex demands of modern technological society. The curriculum evolved through a three-year field project in Mumbai and Solapur sponsored by the J.N.Tata Endowment Trust. A series of 10 books has been brought out to enable the school system to implement the curriculum. The activities in the books engage children in various tasks like analysis of graphs and tables, making collages, taking surveys and writing essays. The books also invite the participants to script and stage plays, make posters and write poetry. You can download the entire set of books from the Resources for Teachers page.

Gender and Science Exhibition and Booklet

The exhibition Gender and Science is a unique permanent exhibition, which critiques gender stereotyping in science while highlighting the role of women in scientific progress. It attempts to explicate the complex concepts, gender and science, and the tenuous relationship between them. The exhibition was inaugurated on December, 19, 2003, by TIFR Director, Prof. S. Bhattacharya.

An exhibition booklet, titled, “Gender and Science” was brought out at this time along with a translation in Marathi (December 2003)