Web resources

D&T education

David and Torben for D&T
Stanford Dschool: K-12 Lab Network
Teaching Ideas
Engineering is Elementary (Grades 1-5)
Design Thinking in Schools:  IDEO and the K12 Lab Network at Stanford’s d.school. 
Design Thinking with Kids: Schoolhouse Centre for Progressive Education
Design Squad Global, by PBS
Plan Bee
Australian Curriculum Lessons
Design and Technologies Curriculum, Government of Western Australia
National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – set up by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
OpenIDEO: An open innovation platform

STS education

Minds On Science
Smithsonian Education
University of Georgia, UGA Extension

Disclaimer: The links above have been placed as providing more (relevant) information for the audience. HBCSE is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites, and listing on this website should not be assumed as an endorsement of any kind. Also, we cannot guarantee that these links will work indefinitely. However, we shall try our best to update these time to time.