Recent public interactions and teacher workshops
2025: Talks and Workshops
- Leveraging game-based approach for environment education, Public Lecture at Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc Chennai | 12 March, 2025)
- The Thinker’s Toolbox: Fundamentals of Design Thinking, Half Day workshop for advanced PhD students and IMSc staff, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc Chennai | 11 March, 2025)
- Think Like a Rebel: Flex Your Creative Thinking Skills, Half Day workshop for advanced PhD students and IMSc staff, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc Chennai | 10 March, 2025)
- Reimagining Institutions for a Zero Waste Future, Public lecture and event Trash Talk, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc Chennai | 7 March, 2025)
2024: Talks and Workshops
- Design & Technology activities for 50 D.El.Ed student-teachers, SCERT D.El.Ed Trainee residential Workshop (HBCSE, 17 October, 2024)
- Half Day workshop on skills in design thinking for 25 University Faculty Members, MSFDA Capacity Building Programme for Science Teachers (HBCSE, 27 September 2024)
- Waste management and estimation problems, Nature and Numeracy Workshop for 25 teachers, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Institute (IMSc Chennai, 6 September 2024)
- Playful Pedagogy: Exploring Educational Games, one-day workshop for 50 middle school teachers in collaboration with Vissanji Academy (Vissanji Academy, Andheri | July 13, 2024)
- Skills for Design Thinking, for 50 faculty members, MSFDA-HBCSE Programme for UG Science Teachers (HBCSE, 11 March 2024)
2023: Talks and Workshops
- STEAM workshop (one day), for around 50 middle school teachers in collaboration with Vissanji Academy (Vissanji Academy, Andheri | July 31, 2023)
- Advanced Design thinking: Everyday Design and Design Everyday- Part 1 for 50 faculty members, organised by BMN College of Home Science, under UGC STRIDE Research Capacity Building Center, and in collaboration with HBCSE (BMN College, Matunga | February 8, 2023)
2022: Talks and Workshops
- Rediscover, describe and draw birds: Vigyan Pratibha LU, for 25 teachers in VP teachers’ workshop (HBCSE | December 5-6, 2022)
- 21st Century Skills: A Design Workshop (one day), for 50 middle school teachers in collaboration with Vissanji Academy (Vissanji Academy, Andheri | November 30, 2022)
- एच. बी. सी. एस. ई. में जैव-विविधता, for 40 members, हिन्दी दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में वार्ता का आयोजन (HBCSE | September 30, 2022)
- Rediscover, describe and draw birds: Vigyan Pratibha LU, for 25 teachers in VP teachers’ workshop (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | August 16-17, 2022)
- Nature of science, Vigyan Pratibha LU, for 60 teachers in VP teachers’ workshop (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | August 16-17, 2022)
- Design thinking: Everyday Design and Design Everyday! for 30 Faculty members, organised by BMN College of Home Science, under UGC STRIDE Research Capacity Building Center, and in collaboration with HBCSE (BMN College, Matunga, March 31, 2022)
- Habitat and wildlife diversity in India, 23rd Talk under Indian Women Scientists’ Association (IWSA)’s ‘Science and Our Life’ Lecture Series, Supported by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (Virtual | February 12, 2022)
2021: Talks and Workshops
- Contributions of women in science, a guest lecture at gender sensitization event, organised by Department of Chemistry, Maharshi Dayanand College, Parel, Mumbai (Virtual | September 4, 2021).
- Confluence of theory and practice: Insights from Design and Technology education, Thursday Seminar Series (HBCSE, October 7, 2021).
- Transforming education through technology, Indian Council Social Science Research (ICSSR) sponsored National Level Webinar “Virtual Education- Interactive and Inclusive Aspects”, (Pillai College of Engineering, in collaboration, August 30, 2021) .
- ‘What is bird-watching?’, International Women’s Day: Women in STEM (HBCSE, March 9, 2021).
- Integration of STEAM in school education, (virtual) keynote address, National Conference on “Integration of STEAM in School Education”, (Regional Institute of Education, Bhopal, February 27, 2021).
- Curriculum design and pedagogy, One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Module on Curriculum Design and Pedagogy for Autonomous Colleges from Maharashtra”, organized by Sangamner Nagarpalika Arts, D. J. Malpani Commerce and B. N. Sarda Science College (Autonomous), Sangamner in collaboration with RUSA & CETE, TISS, February 26, 2021.
2020: Talks and Workshops
- Research in science education: The Indian context with a focus on the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, (virtual) keynote address, International web-conference on transcending science: Building scientific attitude for the 21st century (Department of Education, University of Delhi, September 26, 2020).
- Environment-friendly lifestyles, #ZeroWaste Webinar Series, organized collaboratively by DAV College, Bathinda, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda and Indian National Young Academy of Science, New Delhi, June 16-18, 2020.
- Research methodologies, Ten Days Research Methodology Programme for Research Scholars, Indian Institute of Education’s Centre for Educational Studies, Pune, March 9, 2020.
- Writing qualitative research, Faculty Development Programme, jointly organized by School of Education, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha and Thane Sub Campus, University of Mumbai, February 13, 2020.
- Assessment, evaluation and NCF (Inaugural address), Contemporary Strategies in Teaching and Assessment Short term Course, organized by UGC HRDC, (University of Mumbai and Pillai College of Education and Research, February 6, 2020).
- Research in science education (Keynote address) PRIMERS 2019-20 titled “Science without boundaries”, (Elphinstone College, Mumbai, January 9, 2020).
2019: Talks and Workshops
- Mumbai local public talk on ‘Nurturing the creative potential in children’ (Kitab khana, Fort, December 20, 2019).
- Describing the Nature of Science, for 25 Science Teachers of Haryana State Council for Science, Innovation and Technology (HBCSE, December 12, 2019).
- Session on ‘Fun learning Methods: Natural Resources’, for 45 Ashramshalas teachers from Penn (HBCSE, November 29, 2019).
- Women and science education: Glimpses from Indian classrooms (Invited talk), Pressing for Progress 2019: An IPA National Conference towards Gender Equity in Physics (University of Hyderabad, September 21, 2019)
- Nature of science, for 50 science teachers from Kendriya Vidyalaya (HBCSE, September 16, 2019).
- Learning unit on observing birds, for Science teachers, Vigyan Pratibha Workshop (HBCSE, August 27, 30, 2019)
- Designing activities for “Disaster Management”, for 50 Ashramshala teachers from Penn (HBCSE, August 8, 2019)
- Nature of science, for 50 Ashramshala teachers from Penn (HBCSE, August 6, 2019)
- Nature of science, for 50 school science teachers, Pillai’s College of Engineering (Panvel, July 26, 2019)
- Science education and the quest for addressing diversity, for 25 participants of BESTM teacher workshop (HBCSE, June 11, 2019)
- Design and technology activities, for 25 participants of BESTM teacher workshop (HBCSE, June 12, 2019)
- An interactive session on ‘Introduction to Ideation Methods’ for 30 participants of Five-day Educational Design Workshop organized by CLIX, TISS (HBCSE, May 29, 2019)
- Bringing in divergent thinking exercises into your classrooms, for 25 resource persons, Five-day Capacity Building Workshop for Resource Persons of In-service Teacher Development (HBCSE, March 27, 2019)
- Bringing in design and technology activities in your classroom, session conducted in a workshop titled “Understanding Pedagogical Knowledge and Approach”, organised by HBCSE in collaboration with Chembur Sarvankash Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya (HBCSE, March 20, 2019)
- Nature of science, session conducted in a workshop titled “Understanding Pedagogical Knowledge and Approach”, organised by HBCSE in collaboration with Chembur Sarvankash Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya (HBCSE, March 20, 2019)
- Building bridges, as part of Vigyan Pratibha with 15 teachers, Vigyan Pratibha Workshop (HBCSE, January 10-11, 2019)
- Estimating food costs, as part of Vigyan Pratibha with 15 teachers, Vigyan Pratibha Workshop (HBCSE, January 9-10, 2019)
2018: Talks and Workshops
- Project Based Learning session, with 45 teachers of KV and AECS, ZIET (KV Bhandup, December 25, 2018)
- Session on ‘Using Design and Technology in STEAM Education’, with 45 teachers of KV and AECS, ZIET (KV Bhandup, December 24, 2018)
- Science Education and the quest for addressing diversity (Keynote address), National Conference on Science Education (RIE, Bhubaneshwar, November 30, 2018)
- Session on ‘Using Design and Technology in STEAM Education’, with 20 BMC teachers (HBCSE, November 28, 2018)
- Design and technology workshop, with 20 mentors, SIAC Mentor Workshop (HBCSE, October 26, 2018)
- Role of education in women’s empowerment, National Conference on ‘Paradigm Shift in Women Empowerment’, Mumbai B.Ed. College for Women (Mumbai, March 10, 2018)
- Nature of Science, for 25 science subject specialists, Haryana SCERT (HBCSE, February 9, 2018).
- Learning unit on Adolescence and gender, Vigyan Pratibha Teachers’ Workshop (HBCSE, January 16, 2018)
- Learning unit on observing birds, Vigyan Pratibha Teachers’ Workshop (HBCSE, January 16, 2018)
2017: Talks and Workshops
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in Biology Education, Vigyan Pratibha Teachers’ Workshop, September 21, 2017.
- Nature of science, Vigyan Pratibha Teachers’ Workshop, September 21- 22, 2017.
- Module on “Understanding adolescence and gender”, Vigyan Pratibha Teachers’ Workshop, September 21-22, 2017.
- Module on 3D (Discover, Describe, Draw) Birds, Vigyan Pratibha Teachers’ Workshop, September 21-22, 2017.
- Assessment and Evaluation, BASE Workshop, HBCSE, September 16, 2017
- Design and technology workshop on ‘Structures’, for 4 resource persons from Garhi Cluster Resource Centre, M. P, HBCSE, July 12, 2017
- Science and media, follow up workshop for 30 teachers, Teacher workshop on “Designing learning strategies” in collaboration with KV-ZIET, February 7, 2017
- Follow up session on different pedagogical strategies, for 30 teachers, Teacher workshop on “Designing learning strategies” in collaboration with KV-ZIET, February 7, 2017
- Integrated projects for teaching science, for 30 teachers, Teacher workshop on “Designing learning strategies” in collaboration with KV-ZIET, February 8, 2017
- Action research in teaching science, for 30 teachers, Teacher workshop on “Designing learning strategies” in collaboration with KV-ZIET, February 8, 2017
- Nature of science, for 30 DIET officers, Workshop on Design Training Programme for Lecturers of DIET, Gujarat, February 14, 2017
- Different pedagogical strategies, for 30 DIET officers, Workshop on Design Training Programme for Lecturers of DIET, Gujarat, February 15, 2017
- Diversity in Indian classrooms, K. J. Somaiya Comprehensive College of Education Training and Research, Mumbai, March 10, 2017
- Gender, science and technology (Keynote address), D. Y. Patil College, Nerul, March 24, 2017
- Curricular approaches to technology education, Pillai’s College, Panvel, April 9, 2017
- Project Based Learning (PBL) in the teaching and learning of humanities, Orientation Course for the Course Directors, Associate Course Directors and Resource Persons, KV-ZIET, Mumbai, April 21, 2017
- Project Based Learning (PBL) in the teaching and learning of science, Orientation Course for the Course Directors, Associate Course Directors and Resource Persons, KV-ZIET, Mumbai, April 26, 2017
- Design and technology activities, Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Government of Maharashtra- Science and Innovation Activity Centres Mentor Workshop, May 4, 2017.
Over the last decade, we have conducted numerous workshops for science teachers teaching at the primary, middle school and secondary level. Interactions with pre-service and in-service teachers has been a regular feature of the D&T group’s activities. Our goals for these workshops involves – developing an understanding of nature of science, understanding the dynamics of gender and other socio cultural issues in education and specifically science education, 21st century skills, introducing design and technology projects in current science curriculum, project based learning and environment education. Currently we are offering workshops on following themes: Creative thinking, critical thinking, STEAM based activities, Nature of science, Gender and science, Design and technology activities for school, Science, technology and society, 21st century skills, Gender issues in education, Environment education etc. If you are interested in organizing a workshop in your organization, please email us at
dnte [at] hbcse [dot] tifr [dot] res [dot] in