“Full Tank!” is a fun game developed for primary school children which addresses the issue of water usage and wastage in daily life. The game exposes children to an array of activities to provide comparisons between our everyday actions and the pressure it may put on water resources. It also introduces multiple ways to carry-out the same water consuming task while addressing the issues related to water conservation in one’s surroundings through play. The game is available in English, Hindi and Marathi and designed in such a way that it can be easily adapted, translated and contextualized. FULL TANK was declared as one of the winners in the D’source DIC-BHU SDGs Design Challenge B. (Games/ Toy Category). The event was jointly organised by D’Source, IDC School of Design (IIT-B) & Design Innovation Centre, BHU.
Published: Feb, 2023
टंकी भर गई! : (ISBN: 978-81-974480-4-1)
टाकी भरली! : (ISBN: 978-81-974480-0-3)
Full Tank! : (ISBN: 978-81-974480-5-8)
M. R. P. ₹199
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