Saurav Shome

Saurav’s Ph.D work focusses on designing and implementing a collaborative teacher professional development (TPD) model for planning project based learning (PBL) in Indian middle and high schools. The work followed a deliberative curriculum approach in response to recent Indian policy discourse and emergent need of teacher professional development. Recent policy suggestions led to change in curriculum, however, this has also led confusions among the stakeholders of education. It is observed that in certain cases, teachers felt overburdened while following the school level circulars in response to NCF 2005 and RtE, 2009.

In this work, PBL is modelled as a pedagogic response of recent policy demands situated in the Indian classroom reality and aligned with the existing research on PBL and allied areas. PBL is conceptualised as a form of problem posing education (guided by Paulo Freire) having potential to develop capability among students as well as teachers (guided by Amartya Sen). The present wave of neo-liberal market driven consumerist and capitalist economy in Indian context require establishing a society committed to democratic polity (guided by John Dewey) based on just and egalitarian ethos (guided by B R Ambedkar, Mohandas K. Gandhi, and Rabindranath Tagore). This proposed model of TPD explores an approach of engaging with teachers in a collaborative mode committed to establish a community of reflective practitioners (guided by Donald Schon and John Dewey).

Saurav is also interested in study of alternative conceptions, nature of science and religion, exploring socio-scientific and educational aspect of energy and environment, and policy issues.

To know more about Saurav’s Ph.D. work at HBCSE, visit Research section.

Email: shomesaurav[at]


In Journals

Shome, S., & Natarajan, C. (2013). Ideas and attitudes towards projects and changing practices: Voices of four teachers. Australian Journal of Teaching Education, 38(10), 64-81.

Shome, S. (2013). A teacher’s practice of projects: Scope for improvements. Voices of teachers and teacher educators, II(3), 33-38.

Shome, S. (2013). When objects fail to move despite force being exerted. Voices of teachers and teacher educators, II(2), 38-43.

Shome, S., & Natarajan, C. (2012). Middle school students’ ideas about energy and its flow through organisms. Journal of Indian Education, 38(2), 121-127.

Pedagogical Articles

Shome, S. (2021). Teaching food relations. I-Wonder, Issue 7, 47-49.

Shome, S and I-Wonder. (2020). Interview with Saurav Shome. I-Wonder, Issue 4, 36-39.

Shome, S. (2014, August). Hungry Kya? Teacher Plus, 46-49.

Shome, S. (2014, February) Teaching ”species” in class VIII. Teacher Plus 12(2), 21-23.

In Conference Proceedings

In Conference Proceedings

Shome, S. (2013). Exploring students’ understanding of species: A study with class VIII students. In G. Nagarjuna, A. Jamakhandi and E. Sam (Eds.), Proceedings epiSTEME 5: International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (pp. 158- 164) India: Cinnamonteal.

Shome, S., & Natarajan C. (2013). Project in school learning: Teacher experiences.In G. Nagarjuna, A. Jamakhandi and E. Sam (Eds.), Proceedings epiSTEME 5: International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education (pp. 321-327). India: Cinnamonteal.

Shome, S., Shastri, V., Kunyakari, R., & Natarajan, C. (2011). What do students learn from designing and making a playground model?. Proceedings of PATT 25 & CRIPT 8: Perspective on learning in design and technology education (pp. 357 – 366). London: Goldsmiths, University of London.

Shome, S., Patel, A., & Natarajan, C. (2009). A study of middle school students’ ideas about photosynthesis through multiple interaction mode. In Proceedings and papers of Panel on Ecological and Environmental Science Education in India of II People’s education congress (pp. 55-70),  HBCSE, Mumbai, 5-9 October 2009. Allahabad: Peoples Council of Education.

Book Review

Shome, S. (2012). Book review: Jeevan ki ikai-koshika. Voices of teachers and teacher educators, I(3), 86-88.

Technical Reports

Shome, S. and Natarajan, C. (2010). HBCSE Guidebook on project based learning. Technical Report. Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

Choksi, B., Chunawala, S., & Natarajan, C. (2010). Science Education for Diversity- India Country Report. Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, India (October 2010).

Shome, S., & Chunawala, S. (2009).  Students’ ideas about J. C. Bose and his contributions to science and society. Technical Report. Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

Shome, S., & Natarajan, C. (2009).  A short course on Energy and Environment for middle school students and a study of students’ ideas on the topic. Technical Report. Mumbai: Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.